An international Customs document which, issued under the terms of the ATA Convention and the Istanbul Convention, incorporates an internationally valid guarantee and may be used, in lieu of national Customs documents and as security for import duties and taxes, to cover the temporary admission of goods and, where appropriate, the transit of goods. It may be accepted for controlling the temporary exportation and re-importation of goods but, in this case, the international guarantee does not apply.

Learn more about ATA Carnets (and our industry-leading ATA Carnet service)

ATR Certificate is a customs document, this allows a reduced or zero duty rate.  This document is common with shipments from Turkey.

An authorised consignor is a person authorised to carry out transit operations without presenting the goods at the customs office of departure.

CustomsLink has authorised consignor status. We can open transits for customers without you having to send your trucks to a border inspection post. This saves you both time and additional mileage costs.

Contact our team to see how we can help you with your transit paperwork.

A paper document - used to accompany air freight shipments 

Control point at the place of importation into/out of the EC where Products of Animal Origin (POAO) and live animals are subject to veterinary checks.

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