UPDATE 07/10/2024
The requirement for safety and security declarations on imports into GB from the EU (S&S GB) will no longer be required in July 2022. This customs control requirement has been pushed back to the 31st of January 2025. Businesses who are ready to start submitting S&S declarations before this date are encouraged to do so.
Looking for phytosanitary and sanitary changes? Read our other article
We want to inform you about the changes that are going to affect both your SSDs (Safety and Security Declarations) and your import declarations from the end of 2023. It is vital that you are aware of what is going to happen and what you will need to do.
Safety and Security Declarations (S&S GB)
Find out more about our SSD/ENS solution
Entry summary declarations (ENS) will be a requirement on imports to Great Britain from the end of 2023. The Coronavirus pandemic has meant that many businesses have been left with less time than originally anticipated to prepare for the changes to the sector. As there is an expectation that many businesses will be underprepared for these amendments, the Government decided to extend the time-period to ensure that businesses have enough time to adjust.
Currently, you do not need to submit ENS for any of your goods that are being transported from EU-GB. You are only required to submit your Safety & Security Declarations when you are going from Great Britain into a country that is a member state of the European Union.
From the end of 2023, you will be required to submit your relevant ENS (S&S GB) each time you import AND export goods out of Great Britain.
Import Customs Declarations
From January 2022, full customs declarations will be required for all goods at the time of import.
We Can Help
Submitting your SSDs can be both time-consuming and complex. We have a solution that simplifies the entire process, so you can relax whilst we organise it for you! Our digital system will enable you to have your declaration ready in minutes (not days), so you can spend less time worrying about things going wrong and more time preparing your journey.
Find out more about our SSD/ENS solution
We always want you to be well prepared for trade under the new customs requirements. Make sure you keep a close eye on our blog for any new updates.