"We would like to inform you that due to a major maintenance operation, the SI BREXIT will be unavailable on Monday March 17 from 4:00 am to 9:00 am (FR time).
"As the other IT systems will not be affected, traders will be able to continue to create their formalities (transits/pre lodge declarations) as normal, and to present them for pairing at the border crossing.
"This shutdown will therefore have no noticeable consequences for you or for economic operators.
"However, the maintenance operation will prevent the automatic routing of trucks during the crossing, and all non-empty trucks will therefore be directed to the “orange” parking lots for manual processing at the customs office, which may cause delays.
"Our services will be fully mobilised to ensure the smooth running of the border crossing, and given the low volume of traffic in the early hours of Monday morning, we do not anticipate any particular difficulties."