
A mechanism for restricting the amount of goods imported into a member state which may benefit from a preference.

Read more RALFH : Rotterdam, Antwerpen, Le Havre, Felixstowe, Hamburg

Group of ports : Contact group for Northern Ports (Rotterdam, Antwerpen, Le Havre, Felixstowe, Hamburg)

Read more RASFF : Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed

A rapid alert system for food and feed. The Member States can be notified quickly of foods or feed, which can cause a direct or an indirect danger to human health.

Read more Re-importation

Importation into a Customs territory of goods previously exported from that territory.

Read more Re-importation in the same state

Importation into a Customs territory of goods previously exported from that territory, where the goods have not been changed.

Read more Reefer

A refrigerated container. For long storage in transit (or in ports) must be plugged into a ship’s power system (or port’s). Temporary power units can be attached that last for 18-36 hours.

Read more Registered Baggage

Baggage which, once registered in the departure airport, is neither accessible to the traveller during the flight nor at the stopover if there is one. This luggage is carried in the baggage hold of the plane.

Read more Release Note

A computer printout, or manual equivalent, for a consignment of goods which has been given Customs release.

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