SFD : Simplified Frontier Declaration

A Simplified Frontier Declaration (SFD) contains the minimum amount of information needed to be submitted at the frontier to enable clearance.

However, we firmly believe that Full Frontier declarations are the best customs clearance solution. Here's why...

Read more Shipper / Consignor

An individual or firm that sends freight. A freight originator.

Read more SME : Small or Medium Enterprise

Size of business.

Read more Specific Duties and Taxes

Duties and taxes which are calculated on a basis other than value.

Read more SPV : Simplified Procedure Value

Customs values based on prices obtained daily from designated marketing centres within the EU.

Read more Surety

Generally a bank or insurance company who accepts responsibility in due legal form for the financial consequences of non-fulfilment of another's obligations to the Customs.

Read more TAD : Transit Accompanying Document 

The TAD accompanies the goods where a transit declaration is processed at an office of departure by the NCTS. 

Read more TAD MRN : Transit Accompanying Document Movement Reference Number

Most declaration reference numbers are 18 digits and are usually made up of numbers and letters. The TAD MRN consists of

  • 2 numbers
  • 2 letters
  • 14 numbers or letters

Example: 12AB12345678910111

Read more

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