Yes, we can handle Northern Ireland movements in line with all other countries.

CustomsLink can handle UK Imports and Exports in all RoRo ports and most inventory linked (normally container) ports. With our partner network, we are also able to arrange Customs Clearance in many EU countries. Please contact us for further details.

We support funeral directors across Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland with their customs clearance requirements when repatriating the deceased.

At CustomsLink, we provide a service you can count on, so the families counting on you can have a stress-free service for their loved ones.

Find out more

Pre-lodgement works by ensuring that the export and import paperwork are BOTH completed before the vehicle checks in at the port of departure (unless it is a transit movement).

This is very different from the temporary storage model where containers can be shipped and even landed before they are customs cleared. The reason RoRo ports have opted for pre-lodgement is because of the volumes of traffic they ship, the lack of space in ferry terminals, and the need to turn vessels around quickly.

CustomsLink can assist you with meeting pre-lodgement requirements.  

Safety & Security Declarations may take up to one hour to process.

For import and export declarations it depends on how many lines you are entering. One line should only take a few minutes. Multiple lines will take longer. Contact our team for more information.

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