RPA : Rural Payments Agency

The UK body responsible for administering export and refunds.

Read more RRS01

If your goods are travelling through a GVMS port, make sure to input the code 'RRS01' into box 44 on your customs declaration.

Read more Rules of Origin

Specific provisions, developed from principles  ("origin criteria"), applied by a country to determine the origin of goods.

Read more SAD : Single Administrative Document

A single administrative document that works as a customs declaration. Information requirements, facilitate trade and the computerised communication of customs data within the EU.

Read more SAD BIS

Form used to supplement the copies of the SAD when more than one item is being declared.

Read more SCD : Simplified Clearance Procedure

Exporters of goods not requiring special control may submit an abbreviated customs pre-entry or an approved commercial document at the time of export and provide the full statistical information after the goods are exported.

Read more SCDP : Simplified Customs Declaration Process

Simplified Customs Declaration Process (SCDP) is an electronic declaration method that can be used when importing goods from third countries (including EU member states) to the UK. There are two SCDP procedures

Read more SCE : Societas Cooperativa Europaea (European Cooperative Society)

An optional legal form of a cooperative. It aims to facilitate cooperatives' cross-border and trans-national activities.

Read more

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