CustomsLink can act as a direct representative. The party being represented is known as the declarant and is obliged to meet all the obligations arising from the declaration. The declarant will be responsible for maintaining the records and providing an audit trail. The represented party must give clear and accurate instructions for the customs representative.

In Indirect Representation, in this case the customs representative, acts on behalf of another person but in their own name. It is incumbent on the customs representative to maintain a full audit trail with regard to the customs declaration. The indirect representative shall be jointly and severally liable for all customs liabilities arising from the customs related transactions. 

A signed Letter Of Authority (LOA) is needed before you can continue with direct or indirect representation. 

No, but when you input a commodity that requires a border control inspection, it will let you know that you need to get this booked. Once you have arranged your inspection you can then flag in the system that the Border Control Post is booked so your driver receives these instructions, and set off safe in the knowledge this has been arranged.

Yes we are CFSP (now called SCDP) authorised, but you will still need to complete the full entry before a deadline. This process is ideal for larger importers.

Contact our team for more information.

Once you are registered, a member of our team will go through an onboarding process with you, including some tips on how to use the system. However, the CustomsLink platform is designed to be very simple and follows a step-by-step process. Every screen in the platform has a link to a ‘how-to’ video, meaning that those with even basic computer skills can complete an entry if they have the data to hand.


Yes, we link directly to CSPs and Chief. 

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