Dear customer,

As a business that completes export declarations, we are writing to you with an update on how we plan to move all declarations from our CHIEF system to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).

Most businesses will be able to move by 30 March 2024, but we understand not all customers may be able to migrate by then. For this reason, you will be given up to 3 months to migrate from when the CDS is available for your exports.

When you can move

We are working closely with community system providers, software developers and other border industry partners to complete final technical readiness activities, ahead of most businesses beginning the move to the CDS for exports.

Following advice and discussions with these partners, we anticipate you will be able to move your exports to the CDS in line with the below timeline. We will contact you again with further details of these timelines and to confirm when you can make the move:

  • from January, it will be possible for remaining export declarations for goods exported using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) through GVMS locations only to be made through the CDS providing the following do not apply:
    • there is a chance goods could be rerouted to an inventory linked location
    • you use temporary storage facilities
    • you use a designated export place
  • from early February, export declarations for goods submitted through inventory linked airports are due to be submitted through the CDS providing the following do not apply to businesses:
    • there is a chance your goods could be rerouted to an inventory linked maritime location
  • from early March, export declarations for goods submitted through inventory linked maritime locations are due to be submitted through the CDS. At this point all export declarants should be able to start submitting all their export declarations through the CDS

What you can do to prepare

If you have not already done so, you must carry out the following steps to prepare your business for using the CDS for export declarations as quickly as possible:


  1. Apply for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number beginning with 'GB'.
  2. Subscribe to the Customs Declaration Service so you will be able to submit export declarations from your software to the CDS.
  3. Contact the software provider you will be using to submit your export declarations through the CDS to see if:
    1. you can authorise your software so that you are ready to submit export declarations through the CDS
    2. start using their software to access the free Trader Dress Rehearsal (TDR)

We will continue to provide information and guidance to support your business for making export declarations through the CDS. To receive updates and notifications about the CDS, make sure we have your preferred email address. If you have any questions, including help with subscribing to the CDS, please contact us using one of these channels or speak to your Account Manager or Customer Compliance Manager if you have one.

Yours faithfully,
HM Revenue and Customs