Temporary Storage of Goods

Storing of goods under Customs control (temporary stores) pending lodgement of the goods declaration.

Read more TESS : Technical Excise System Specification

Data has to be entered in this format.

Read more TEU : Twenty-foot equivalent unit

Like a container load.

Read more Third countries

Countries which are outside the customs territory of the EU, also referred to as non-EU countries.

Read more TI Relief

Temporary Importation, the bringing into customs territory of goods which will be reexported, in the same state.

Read more TIN : Tax Identification Number

Not used in the UK

Read more TIR : Transports Internationaux Routiers

The TIR agreement applies to the transport of goods between a customs office of departure in one country and the office of destination in another country.

Read more TIRC : TIR Carnet

Document facilitating transit by serving both as a customs declaration and as a guarantee in countries that are a contracting party to the TIR Convention 

Read more

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