TIRG : TIR Guarantee

The amount of the security covering the duties and taxes at risk. The TIR Convention recommends the amount of the guarantee should be $50,000 per TIR carnet. The Community has fixed the amount at €60,000 per TIR carnet.

Read more TIRH : TIR Carnet Holder

The company authorised by Customs to use TIR carnets

Read more TIRO : TIR Convention

The Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods Under Cover of TIR Carnets, 1975

Read more TORO : Transfer of Rights and Obligations

Transferring of rights and obligations from the holder responsible for the customs procedure to another operator who can be used for end-use customs procedures as well as for other procedures.

Read more Trade Facilitation

The simplification and harmonization of international trade procedures, including activities, practices, and formalities involved in collecting, presenting, communicating, and processing data required for the movement of goods in international trade.

Read more Transaction Value

This is the prime method for determining the Customs value as defined in the WTO Valuation Agreement.

Read more Transfer Pricing

Determination of transfer prices for transactions between related parties.

Read more Transhipment

A movement where the goods are imported and exported within the confines of a UK airport or port in the course of a movement which started and will end outside of the UK.

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