The Haulier's Guide to ELO

From the 1st April 2025, an Enveloppe Logistique Obligatoire (ELO) will be used for GB to FR and FR to GB shipments.

This will become a mandatory requirement from the 1st of September 2025.

What is the ELO?

The ELO is a type of port pass. Port passes do two things:

  • Make sure ALL of the customs processes have been completed PRIOR to a vehicle arriving at the port
  • Acts as a trigger to update some of the customs procedures.

As a port pass, ELO will work similarly to how GMR is currently working.

When crossing the FR border at the check-in stage, drivers are currently expected to answer the questions of the ferry company. Once ELO is introduced, this will no longer be necessary, saving drivers time at the port.

The ELO will be used by French authorities to:

  • Verify that each declaration has been submitted correctly and has the appropriate status at the border.
  • Make the pairing process easier and cut down on manual errors
  • Align French and UK pairing methods.
  • Make crossing the border simpler.

ELO is part of the SI Brexit system.

Who is responsible?

Like all port passes, the ELO is the responsibility of the haulier. If you are transporting goods:

  • From GB to FR, or from FR to GB
  • Via RoRo ferry as accompanied or unaccompanied (including empty vehicles)
  • Or as unaccompanied freight

Then you will need an ELO.

What are the benefits of ELO?

The ELO will bring several benefits for hauliers importing into FR from GB.

  1. The driver will spend less time at the port

All of the documents and data required for the border crossing (ENS, import, export and transit declarations) will be merged into a single barcode, which the lorry driver must provide at the port. This will allow the vehicle and declarations to be "linked" together.

  1. The ELO creator will have enhanced visibility

Once registering themselves on, the ELO creator will be able to see the progress of the goods across the Smart Border (pairing/embarkation/disembarking). 

The ELO creator will also be able to navigate previously created ELOs. 

elo example flow


They will not, however, be able to see whether the goods are travelling via the green or orange lane. Instead, the ELO creator will need to contact the driver to learn this. (More information on the orange and green lanes below.)

When is ELO being introduced?

ELO will be available from the 1st of April 2025, and will become mandatory from the beginning of September 2025. This aligns with the transition period for ICS2.

How does it work?

Both ELO and SI Brexit are connected to ICS2. This is because you will need at least 1 ENS per ELO. 

  1. At the check-in stage

The driver will present their GMR and ELO single barcode containing information about all completed customs for the load (including ENS)

  1. During the crossing

The authorities will perform the risk analysis. Then, the display screens on the ship will provide the status of the vehicle

  1. Once the driver exits the ferry/shuttle

The vehicle will be directed to the green lane or the orange lane, depending on the result of the risk analysis. 

The Green Lane

This is for goods that do not require further checks. The vehicle may exit the port and continue its journey.

The Orange Lane

This is for either goods which need to be checked, or cases where more time is needed to complete the risk analysis. If the goods need to be checked, the driver will need to go to the customs office at the point of first entry.

elo green orange lanes


What do hauliers need to do before arrival at the port?

  1. Designate an ELO creator

This individual will be responsible for grouping together the data and customs declarations of the relevant logistics chain partners. You will need to coordinate with your business partners to do this.

  1. Register for an account

The ELO creator or manager will need to create a Prodouane account ( in order to create, view and manage ELOs.

  1. Ensure compliance

It is important to make sure that all the necessary customs documents are complete before creating the ELO. This includes your ENS.

  1. Keep the ELO creator informed

The designated ELO creator will need to be supplied with relevant information, including declaration references and answers to the other questions. They will also need to provide information about the goods in their ELO, including whether the goods are:

  • Covered by sanitary or phytosanitary measures
  • Goods under ATA carnet
  • SPS products


  1. Upload the data

The ELO creator will then group this information together in the ELO application before the goods reach the border. The ELO creator must provide a single ELO for each vehicle, even if the vehicle is empty. It will not be possible to create multiple subenvelopes.

When the ELO manager uploads the formalities (such as a pre-lodged declaration) to the ELO document, these will be reviewed to confirm that they are both present and in the proper status.

Making port passes easier

Less time spent navigating customs red tape means MORE time to grow your business. At CustomsLink, we can save you time and money when you create your port pass or logistics envelope with us.

Read more about our Haulier Border Toolkit, including our port pass service, on our website.

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