Dashboard Video Tour

Watch our video to find your way round your CustomsLink dashboard

Read more Can I be a trader for multiple hauliers on one account?

Yes. As long as you have been invited and signed your LOA to each haulier in the “my haulier” tab, you can have multiple hauliers.

Read more How do I add other users from my company?

As long as you are the admin on the account, you can add users by going into “my account” on your dashboard.

From there, select "user maintenance" and on the next page scroll down and press "add user".

Read more How do I copy (flip) an existing declaration?

On the declaration you wish to copy, press the downward arrow on the right-hand side, which will drop down a new menu. 

Read more How do I invite traders to my account?

Read more I am having difficulties registering a new trader on my account

Please contact the Customer Service team on +44(0)1772 368002 and they will be able to talk you through the process. 

Read more I am trying to submit an entry or ENS but the system is telling me there is an error, what do I need to do?

Look at the red dots to the left to identify where the error is. Most errors are caused when incorrect commodity codes are entered. Please ensure you use the 10 digit commodity code.

Read more I have been invited to be a contributor from my haulier, why can I not see anything on the dashboard?

You will only be able to see the declarations you are invited to by your haulier. If you have been invited to a job and still cannot see it, please contact us. 

Read more

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