OPR : Outward Processing Relief

The system of giving relief on goods temporarily exported and reimported after process or repair in a country outside the EU.

Read more Origin of goods

Origin is the "economic" nationality of goods in international trade.

Read more Outward processing

A customs procedure allowing the export of Community goods for processing abroad and the re-import of the processed products 

Read more P2P : Permission to Progress

The CHIEF Export entry has been cleared and the goods may now be loaded onto the means of transport for export. This message is sent to the person submitting the export declaration.

Read more Packing

Any item used for the transport or storage of goods which does not meet the definition of ‘container’ or ‘pallet’.

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A wooden, metal, plastic covering that allows goods to be stacked on.

Read more Partial Relief

Relief from payment of a part of the total amount of import duties and taxes which would otherwise be payable had the goods been cleared for home use.

Read more PCC

Processing under customs control for free circulation.

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