MRN : Movement Reference Number

Most declaration reference numbers are 18 digits and are usually made up of numbers and letters. The Movement Reference Number consists of

Read more MUCR : Master Unique Consignment Reference

Master Unique Consignment References (MUCR) are normally used to associate or link several declaration UCRs.

Read more Mutual Administrative Assistance

Measures taken by a Customs administration on behalf of or in collaboration with another Customs administration for the proper application of Customs law and for the prevention, investigation and repression of Customs offences.

Read more NCTS : New Computerised Transit System

NCTS is a customs electronic transit system. Goods can be transported undeclared in the Union customs transit system, when they are imported into the European Union or are transported via the Union and Efta.

Read more Non inventory-linked ports

The customs declaration is sorted at the port and requires more manual input.

Read more NVOCC : Non Vessel-Operating Common Carrier

Does not own any vessels (ships), but provides ocean shipping freight-forwarding services. 

Read more OCT : Overseas Countries and Territories

Countries and territories dependent on a Member State and not belonging to the EC.

Read more OoFE : Office of First Entry

Where the customs entry is lodged 

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