An airline air waybill relating to a consolidation.
Trading with another country - lower rates of duty - WTO
Same as commodity code / tariff code
Most declaration reference numbers are 18 digits and are usually made up of numbers and letters. The Movement Reference Number consists of
- first 2 numbers are the year the declaration was accepted i.e., 22
- then the originating country identifier i.e., GB
- the final numbers are a unique identifier consisting of letters and numbers.
Example: 22GB02I89012847596
Note: for Safety & Security Entry Summary MRNs the 7th digit will always be the letter ‘I’ for import.
Master Unique Consignment References (MUCR) are normally used to associate or link several declaration UCRs. For example, when a container holds a number of consignments from different exporters, each of whom has a DUCR.