A depot approved by HM Revenue and Customs away from the port of entry or exit.

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HMRC Update - SI Brexit downtime (17/03/25)

"We would like to inform you that due to a major maintenance operation, the SI BREXIT will be…


DEFRA Update - Foot and mouth disease in Hungary - information for importers

Following confirmation on 7 March 2025 by the Hungarian Chief Veterinary Officer of the detection…


DEFRA Update - Announcement of ABP safeguards for German animal by-products

FMD in Germany: Suspension of commercial imports of hay and straw and certain animal by-products…


Changes to the 999L and Y999 Waiver Codes from January 31, 2025

In 2025, HMRC will continue to make changes to customs procedures in order to ensure compatibility…


DEFRA Update - Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) outbreak

Hungary: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) outbreakImports from Hungary into Great Britain (England…


DEFRA Update - Foot and Mouth Disease in Germany

"1. Recap: restrictions on the movement of certain live animals and animal product imports from…