Platforma CustomsLink została zaprojektowana tak, aby była bardzo prosta w użyciu. Na każdym ekranie platformy znajduje się link do filmu instruktażowego, co oznacza, że osoby posiadające nawet podstawowe umiejętności obsługi komputera mogą wypełnić wpis, jeśli tylko mają dostępne dane.
Jednak jeśli nadal potrzebujesz wskazówek, nie ma problemu!
Otwórz opcje konfiguracji.
Gdy już się zarejestrujesz, członek naszego zespołu przeprowadzi z Tobą proces wdrażania,
w tym kilka wskazówek dotyczących korzystania z systemu.
If you are a trader and importing goods, it is recommended you get a deferment account with HMRC so that you can defer payment of import duty and VAT until the end of the month.
If you do not have this, you can either pay the duty upfront via FASPAY, or use CustomsLink's deferment account.
Please note: from September CDS payment methods will be duty deferment account, cash account, immediate payment or guarantee. Find out more
Use our deferment account to avoid being stopped at port for duty payment, which will no doubt cause delays to your deliveries.
Contact our team for more information.
In order to make an import or export declaration in the EU, you need to have an entity based there. This means that if you are UK based, you can make a UK import or export declaration, but need an EU entity to represent you in the EU to make a declaration there.
Different countries have different port pass systems.
Read our Port Passes for GB ⇄ EU Imports & Exports guide for more information.
CustomsLink can act as a direct representative. The party being represented is known as the declarant and is obliged to meet all the obligations arising from the declaration. The declarant will be responsible for maintaining the records and providing an audit trail. The represented party must give clear and accurate instructions for the customs representative.
In Indirect Representation, in this case the customs representative, acts on behalf of another person but in their own name. It is incumbent on the customs representative to maintain a full audit trail with regard to the customs declaration. The indirect representative shall be jointly and severally liable for all customs liabilities arising from the customs related transactions.
A signed Letter Of Authority (LOA) is needed before you can continue with direct or indirect representation.